One cardinal goal of the University is to assist her students and staff to become more competent, purposeful and ethical through a teaching and learning environment, which respects the dignity of all.
In addition to the main Campus in Kumasi, KNUST has the Obuasi Campus and an Institute of Distance Learning with Centres in all regional capitals.
The information contained in this Student Guide and Code of Conduct handbook applies to all students enrolled at the University.
This document is meant to generate positive behaviour from students and inhibit negative ones. The University will do its part by ensuring that the right atmosphere is provided to promote academic and personal growth.
The efforts of the University in providing a sound learning environment would be seriously undermined if students are found to be engaged in general acts of misconduct and or proscribed conducts that tend to bring the University’s name down in disrepute. Should that occur the University is duty-bound to apply to the culprit(s) appropriate sanctions; the severest form of which is dismissal or being handed over to be tried in the law courts of Ghana if such conduct is found in breach of the laws of Ghana or both. The reputation and integrity of KNUST among institutions of higher learning and as a national asset is of utmost important to alumni, management faculty and staff. Therefore, students should not seek refuge under national law to escape internal enquiry, when they have not fully exhausted all internal avenues of redress provided the issues under consideration are not life threatening.
KNUST is dedicated to assist students to acquire academic excellence and personal development. We encourage and promote the uniqueness of each person. However, we also recognize the interdependence of all members of the KNUST Community.